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Recent testing (SEM/EDX analysis) on vaccines conducted by Dr. Kevin W. McCairn Ph.D. finds that both Pfizer & Moderna vaccines failed to register elemental signatures for Nitrogen and Phosphorous!

Normal mRNA contains significant quantities of Nitrogen which forms Purines ((A)denine, (G)uanine) & Pyrimadines (Uracil, Cytosine), which should be linked to a sugar-phosphate backbone.

No mRNA amounts to serious medical and corporate fraud!

Hitachi SEM & Bruker EDX Imager

Using a Hitachi SEM & Bruker EDX Imager, in all samples tested, over 2 days, we found no evidence of mRNA.

Lipid content was confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. A few photos (above) from the trip to the lab.

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We urgently need to be able to pay for more lab time (5 Days = $5000).

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