Reggie Rat Archives | Synaptek-DLS Deep Learning Science Sun, 16 Oct 2022 21:56:44 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Reggie Rat Archives | Synaptek-DLS 32 32 Rat #2 & 3 Reggie Rat and Roland Rat Sun, 16 Oct 2022 21:47:26 +0000 Welcome Reggie and Roland the #2 & #3 Rats We Talk You Listen’s Sponsor-a-Rat Name-a-Rat Series Introducing the next two...

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Welcome Reggie and Roland the #2 & #3 Rats

We Talk You Listen’s Sponsor-a-Rat Name-a-Rat Series

Introducing the next two rodent volunteers, #2 & #3 , Reggie Rat and Roland Rat.

The second and third addition to our our very first We Talk You Listen’s Sponsor-a-Rat Name-a-Rat Series,

Along with our first , Miracle the Rat, Reggie Rat and Roland Rat are being sponsored by our very good friends from our fanatic community of site supporters here on the WTYL platform, the only live science Covid Research Studies, publicly funded for the public good.

You will see it all live, with all access and as they happen.

Safe and Effective?

You will watch Dr. Kevin McCairn conduct his first of many experiments concerning the harmful effects being reported worldwide from both the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and the gene transfection technologies “vaccines”, which we all have been subjected to. Subjected too, with many, many deaths and injuries being documented on a daily basis.

Some of us were forced to take the shots as a safe and effective option.

For too many, the only option! Harm soon followed for them.

The #1 Cause of Death

Unknown causes of death are vastly becoming overwhelming in many areas.

In Alberta Canada is has been reported to be the number 1 cause of death for certain individuals in 2022.

The actual death certificates state – Cause of Death: Unknown

The Light of Real Science

We find this unconscionable! We aim to bring the light of real science to the dark world of media and politically controlled science.

All of which is falling apart bit by bit. Every day we hear more bad news as the world crumbles before our eyes across the planet.

The main reason rats are used in experiments is because they are similar to humans in many ways. They share a staggering 90% of genes with humans and their bodily systems function similarly to humans. Additionally, rats can be changed genetically which helps researchers study how certain genes can cause specific diseases in humans. – ScienceABC

Join With Us In This Fight

Please consider joining  with us as a We Talk You Listen’s Buy-a-Rat/Name-a-Rat Series Sponsor.

Each lab rat will be handled and treated within our ethical and moral  standard which we hold all science to. All science needs to be help out for the public to see and understand.

Without opinions or conjecture.

They told us to ”Trust The Science’‘, so we aim to do just that.

However, it will be us conducting the experiments and collecting the data. We also intend to publish the outcomes and finding as soon a possible.

We do all this for the ”Public Good”. Please help us and sponsor a rat!

We rely on all our fanatic support we receive, to bring you the bets of what science can bring.

Thanks you so much for being here with us!

Best Regards.

WTYL Team.

If you would like to join with us and Sponsor a Rat in the WTYL Rat Studies please click the following link –

WTYL Rodent Adoption “Buy a Rat, Name a Rat”


The post Rat #2 & 3 Reggie Rat and Roland Rat appeared first on Synaptek-DLS.

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