Platform Sponsorship

With your kind support we will be able to maintain, build-out and administrate the We Talk You Listen Live Streaming Science Platform.

Minimum price: $5.00


WTYL Platform Sponsorship

Thank you very much to our WTYL Platform Sponsorship members. With your kind support we will be able to maintain, build-out and administrate the We Talk You Listen Live Streaming Science Platform. Literally built from the ground up with thousands of hours of time committed to the cause of public access science.

Behind the screens you see are hours upon hours of development time and effort. Effort in building out the architecture of We Talk You Listen with all its different avenues to reach out across the planet. Without you we could not do our work and bring to the world, true and real live streaming science to you screens.

All the funding we receive go directly to the costs and fees. Please see our 2022-23 Budget.

Covid Truth Is Our Goal

With your generous donations to the cause of Covid Truth and honest science disclosure we have started a series of laboratory experiments. We are primarily looking at the medical effects and reactions to the Covid Gene Transfection Technology which we all have been concerned with over the last few years.

Stay tuned to our latest updates here at We Talk You Listen. We need and depend on your continuing and ongoing support.

Again, thank you!!! – Dr.Kevin McCairn Ph.D.

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